Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Staff Development Day, June

The day involved all staff presenting their creative practices, a Mac and a screen printing session.  As part of the staff development day we all experimented with screen printing- image above.
A really enjoyable day, with a real insight into all the processes demonstrated and staff professional practices.

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Preparation for the final show

The preparations for the final show have begun and we all can't believe how fast this year has gone. As usual the whole studio is cleared out in preparation for the walls being painted and work to be placed. It is at this point the students wish they had listened to the tutors and not dropped so much paint on the floor!

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Studio spaces on the Art Foundation

All students on the art foundation get their own studio space, if you are working on a large scale on paintings or sculptures then we accommodate to give you enough space, if your a designer working on layouts, branding or advertising we give you a lovely little booth near to the computers! Both of our studios have a great working environment where everyone can share ideas and focus on developing their practice.  Here's a few pics to give anyone interested in the course an idea...

Some more students work before we head off for Easter!

A current painting Fred has been working on.

Illustration and short story layouts by Yanya.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Students work this week!

Photographic images created this week by Shannon for her current project.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

More student work Tuesday 27th March

Ben is currently developing his illustrations.

Tuesday 27th March- Student work

Alice has been working on her pattern designs today for possible wall paper and interior designs.

Last week of term

The Easter holidays are almost here but there is still lots going on this week. The week opened with critiques on the personal confirmatory study. Today everyone is having one to one tutorials to discuss their creative concepts for their research papers. Tomorrow more critiques with the Fine Art and New Media tutors.

Yesterday the group met to discuss plan for their final show and agreed on a poster design- Well done Fred the design is coming on! Look forward to see the end result.

Next open day Wednesday 2nd May at 10am (start at 10am and lasts for about 1hrs 30mins).

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Art foundation Interviews

Yes! it is that time of year again, the staff had a very postive start to the beginning the interviews for September 2012.

Don't forgot the next openday 10am on Weds 21st March, 2012.